The gaping holes of life are filled in.

I am bored.
So I type.

I am on the search of what my inspiration triggers are.
Last week was the clincher.
20 over poems doesn't happen overnight.
Something fueled it.
Note that the two were love poems.
Parting Gazes was about breaking up.
Love's First Move was about a love stricken man.

The 20 over poems were from different genres.
So I divided them by memory into their genres.

12 were about love.
3 were about death.
Roughly 4 were about family.
1 was about religion.
The rest was about life.

I noticed a major shift in my writing.
I wrote about love more than anything else.
Strangely, I don't have any major relationships or crushes or whatever,
Although, I do seem more comfortable in that genre.

Oh yeah, I got 500 for "Troubles And Toffees"
Even that's based on love,
God, whats happening!


Okay, calmed down.
I realised I'm becoming the very thing I hated last time.
But now I'm seemingly embracing it,
And it's swallowing me whole,
And I love it,
Every second of it.

Anyways, back to the inspiration triggers.
I guess the triggers were:-

-An empty styrofoam cup of coffee
-A glance into an office building and I saw a man breaking down at his table
-The sound of a strange metallic object hitting the ground.
-The smell of a fancy restaurant that I was passing
-My librarian blazer
-Some classical music that was being played in a house near my school.
-Adrenaline rushes I've been getting recently

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