The gaping holes of life are filled in.

Well I kept my promise.
I did say I in an earlier post that I'll blast this blog with everything I've got during the hols.
And I'm keeping it.

Here I am in my best friend's house.
I didn't manage to escape that hole.
I went and now I have a sprained shoulder.
Thanks a lot, girl.*

I wonder how the silence will effect me later on.
I am escaping the weekend.
But how can I face the rest of the week?
Must go in with my head tall and strong.
If doubt will cross my heart,
Everything will come crashing down.

So what should I type now?
What gaping hole in my life should I fill this time?
Never mind, I'm too lazy to type.
I just wanted to keep up with my promise.
If I have anything to chat about I'll let this blog know.

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